Developing Churches

I. Definition
A Developing Assembly is an Assemblies of God church that:
A. Has applied for and received recognition as a Developing Assemblies of God church from the Alaska Network Presbytery.
B. Is not self-governing.  

II. Supervision
A Developing Assembly and its leadership shall:
A. Be amenable to the Alaska Ministry Network Presbytery in matters of doctrine and polity.
B. Be accountable to the Presbytery, and participate in cooperative fellowship with the Presbyter and other ministers of the Region.
C. Conform to the Alaska Ministry Network Constitution and By-laws.
D. Submit a copy of their annual church report, annual business report with minutes, financial statements, annual budget, and other reports to the Network Office and to their Regional Presbyter in a timely manner.
E. Have building projects, remodels, and structural/mechanical alterations approved by the Presbytery.
F. Have no right to incur any legal obligation or unbudgeted financial expense of any kind or nature in excess of $1,000, except by written approval.  Approval may be obtained by submitting the request in writing to the Business Administrator.  The Business Administrator will consult with the Superintendent and Regional Presbyter, and will then inform the Pastor of the decision.
G. Submit any name changes to the Alaska Ministry Network Presbytery for approval.
H. Not enter into any type of rental agreements without Presbytery approval.
I. Have loans that are co-signed by the Alaska Ministry Network such as CEP, MBA or a conventional bank loans transferred to that church when it becomes financially strong enough to collateralize its own loan or when it becomes a General Council affiliated church.
J.  Maintain required insurance coverage and provide documentation to the Network Office.
K.  Maintain a screening process for all employees and volunteers working with minors, including an application, reference checks, criminal records check, and interview.
L.  Be held accountable for the policies and procedures delineated in the Constitution & Bylaws and this policy manual.  If policies are not followed, the Presbytery will take action.
III. Characteristics
A Developing Assembly shall:
A. Have Presbytery as its official board.  The Pastor must be available to meet with the Executive Presbytery, Regional Presbyter, Business Administrator, and Alaska Home Missions Director at least once annually, either in person or electronically.  The Business Administrator and Alaska Home Missions Director shall serve as ex-officio members for these meetings.
B. Have the Presbyter of the region as ex-officio of all committeesand chairman of the advisory Pulpit Committee.
C. Have the right to have an advisory committee.
D. Have a consistent meeting place.
E. Have Presbytery approved leadership.  If the church lacks approved leadership for a period of 2 years, the Presbytery will consider whether or not the church should be closed.  If a church lacks approved leadership for 3 years, the Presbytery will consider whether the church properties should be liquidated.
F. Actively pursue sovereign church status by being self-supporting, self-propagating, and self-sufficient.
G. Be eligible to send a delegate to the Alaska Ministry Network in session but not eligible to send one to the General Council.
H.  Be required to advance to Network or General Council status when eligible to do so.